Governing Bodies
The Session, the governing body of First Presbyterian Church of Warren (FPC), is composed of 12 Elders elected by the congregation. The Session includes seven committees, each of which is chaired by an Elder:
Christian Education provides a faith foundation for the children, youth, and adults attending FPC by providing opportunities to empower faith and to grow in the knowledge of God and Christ.
Worship and Music plans worship services to glorify and honor God by gathering together as a community of believers where the faithful are equipped for God’s service in the world.
Finance and Stewardship is the catalyst in cultivating a personal spirit of gratitude and generosity among the members of the Church. The committee is also responsible for overseeing and managing our financial operations. learn more
Staff Relations supports the Pastor, assures adherence to all Church policies, and establishes a positive environment between salaried Church staff and Church membership through open communication, problem-solving, and information gathering.
Church Growth aids in the growth and development of the Church body by helping potential and current Church members understand the Church’s mission and vision and how each person is an integral part of the body as he or she utilizes God-given talents and gifts.
Buildings and Grounds insures that the structure, grounds, and contents of the Church are maintained and preserved. This includes identifying, developing, and implementing Church property projects/improvements.
Communications encourages visitation to FPC through invitation to members and non-members. Ministries and missions are promoted through the use of various communication methods. Assistance is provided to staff, Session committees, Deacon committees, and any other groups/ministries of FPC. It is believed that Communication is a true ministry, not simply a support system.
The Deacons serve as the “nurturing arm” of the First Presbyterian Church Warren by improving connections among members while ministering to those who are in need. Fifteen members make up the Board of Deacons with service on three main committees.
The Mission Committee feeds and cares for God’s community, not only physically but spiritually and emotionally. This group is responsible for the monthly community lunch and food distribution. They also research and evaluate the need within various charity organizations for possible donations and projects. Chairperson: Sharon Common
The Congregational Care Committee ministers to the needs of the entire congregation and those needing special care. This group organizes visitations, gifts and communication with our “Special Care Members” and various other groups within the church. They also assist with Funeral Dinners and Meal Train for the congregation.
Chairperson: Lynnette Devanny; Funeral Dinner Coordinators: Sharyn Common and Susan Stahl; Meal Train Coordinator: Janet Williams
The Fellowship Committee fosters togetherness among the members of the congregation by providing receptions and dinners for the church. This group plans the Annual Founder’s Day/ Fifty Years Member Dinner and various events during the year. Chairperson: Suellen Wireman